made a youtube account
now you can see my shitty work on another site!
And oh yeah, misleading subject. fooled you, i win, penis penis penis
my name's vince
Age 28, Male
penispenispenispe nis
Joined on 5/5/10
Posted by quitestupid - November 22nd, 2010
made a youtube account
now you can see my shitty work on another site!
And oh yeah, misleading subject. fooled you, i win, penis penis penis
Posted by quitestupid - September 5th, 2010
So im finishing up an "awesome" styled parody of crash bandicoot and after that i am going to take "a break" from flash basically to recruit and improve my flash skills before unleashing more content to newgrounds.
Here, i want the animations people see of mine to show off that i can animate, not for them to think that i just pull animations out of my ass left and right.
However on my Deviantart Account i update A LOT of stupid flash that i just make in like 3 hours of work. There, its more laid back. Here, Its more of making a reputation of yourself. On my Tumblr you can find more updates on my animation.
So, expect that parody soon, then dont expect too much from me.
Posted by quitestupid - August 16th, 2010
Hey so i finished a new cartoon that took me rather a while
Oh yeah and I'm entering 10 JD's dub collab so u can check that out too.
Posted by quitestupid - August 13th, 2010
so me and my friend sam went to the scott pilgrim vs. the world premiere (well not world thats for comic con) at midnight. And let me just tell you, i am speechless. I LOVED it, it was phenomenal, it was spectacular, it was wonderful. it was...outstanding.
Edgar wright (director of shaun of the dead, another film that was crazy cool) directed, co-produced, and co-wrote this one. This guy is probably the best director you can find for a scotty p movie. he really took things directly from the book, unlike some book-to-movie directors.
Michael cera (often used for awkward geeky guy who gets the girl) starred as scott, and i, personally didnt think he could pull it off. And guess what? he did just that. he's not really that much of a geek as is a loser in this one. But i was suprised he pulled it off.
As for other casting, Mary elizabeth winstead played ramona flowers,somewhat of a "punk-who-gives-a-shit" chick but still can be compassionate and have a heart. Winstead nailed it, to say the least
But personally, my favorite of the casting would definately have to be Wallace Wells played by Kierin Culkin. Wallace is gay, and they stress that a lot which may seem tiring or annyoning but didnt seem to get that annoying. Wallace is hilarious, theres no doubt about it, his witty comebacks, barely any conscince, etc. etc. suited perfectly and he was hilarious nuff said.
Other castings included Ellon wong who played Knives and she was one of those, haha how cute kinda funny chicks, she was good. Stephen Stills played by Mark webber, he actually kinda looks like the stephan in the book. And is pretty much the same in terms of acting and personality. Young neil was played PERFECTLY by johnny simmons, he nailed the role. I cant stress that enough. Scott's sister stacey was played AMAZINGLY by Anna Kendrick, you cant get a better girl to play stacey...damn. And then theres kim played by allison pill, and...her..i kinda think they were wanting to make her LOOK like the girl from the book. the casting wasnt so great..
This movie was packed with laughs and i probably was laughing so hard at all the references and all the tooken straight out of the book lines from the book. Not to mention first class, AWESOME action that took the pages of scott pilgrim and made them alive. It was stunning to say the least.
Oh man i could go on for hours and hours talking about the book and the movie scenarios. But that would be wasting time
Im ready to see it dozens and dozens more times, overall go see scott pilgrim you will not was a CENT for your ticket. Even if you do hate the books (please die jk but seriously >:[) see it please. You will enjoy yourself
Posted by quitestupid - July 29th, 2010
This is my first post so u should be EXCITED!
so after watching some of egoraptor's toons i realized his mouth movements are all like a mouth thats filled in with the same color it was used to outline. So i made a toon testing out some of his mouth movements. And i think it went...rather well
Click here to view it, it might be off sync the slightest bit but meh. replay it
Whaddya think? Should i not copy off of egoraptor? it works well personally.
More cartoons coming soon cya S:/